First Name:
Last Name:
Type of BP
Technical solution
Typology of Non- Conventional Water Resources (NCWR) What kind of NCWR do you deal with ?:
Greywater (GW), Municipal wastewater (MWW), Black Water (BW)
What are the challenges raised by your Best Practice?
Water for irrigation and food production is not available, High health risk, Closing the water and nutrient cycle
How could you describe your Best Practice?
Implementable non electric and non chemical but nature based decentralised wastewater treatment systems which can be adopted at a household level to clusters,
Please describe your Best Practice in 5 keywords?
Decentralised, Nature Based, House hold wastewater, Anaerobic Wastewater treatment, Cost effective treatment
In which area has your Best Practice been implemented ?
Urban area
Best Practice location implementation (Country)
POINT (76.21 10.52)
Who are the beneficiaries and/or the target group of your Best Practice ?
Local Population, Householders
Have you involved stakeholders?
What are the obstacles to implementation of Best Practice ?
Lack of dissemination of success stories related to NCW
Did you receive funding for the research and development of the proposed BP?
Please indicate the source of funding
Private financing
Do you have or know any platform of sharing Best Practice that you would like to link to this inventory platform?
Other (Please specify below)
Other sharing platform
Need to get Management's permission
Does your Best Practice contribute to an innovation? If so, please provide a short description of the innovative component
Cost effective household level and cluster level decentralised nature based wastewater treatment systems and recycling the water for gardening
Please indicate the TRL associated with your Best Practice
TRL7 : System prototype demonstration in operational environment
Flow rate (m3/day)
Flow rate
0.5 to 4
What is the necessary area to implement your Best Practice (m2) ?
What is the necessary area to implement your BP ?
5 to 40
Flow rate (m3/day) of treated NCW
Ecosystem, Landscaping, Garden Irrigation, Ground Water Recharge
What is the quantity of treated NCW produced by the Best Practice that has been sold to user (m3/day) ?
Is your Best Practice socially acceptable ?
Is your Best Practice economically viable ?
Is your Best Practice environmentally sustainable ?
Please indicate the other various social impact of your Best Practice :
Preservation of living environment, Sustaining natural ecosystems
To which Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) your Best Practice contributes?
SDG6: Clean Water and Sanitation, SDG11: Sustainable Cities and Communities, SDG13: Climate Action
Please indicate the acronyms of used &/or developed technologies/Tools: